JAI VINAYAK BUILDCORP LIMITED, Vishal Complex, Plot No 1, Pragati Colony Opposite Sai Mandir, wardha Road, Nagpur Nagpur MH IN 440015

India India List of Company, Business in India


State: Maharashtra
PIN code: 440015
Address: Vishal Complex, Plot No 1, Pragati Colony Opposite Sai Mandir, wardha Road, Nagpur Nagpur MH IN 440015
Phone: unknown
Fax: unknown
Email: neelam_091@rediffmail.com
Web site: unknown
National Industrial Classification (NIC): 70102 Industry Division: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities, Business Group: Activities of head offices, Subcategory: Purchase, sale letting of leased non-residential buildings
Corporate Identification Number (CIN): U70102MH2012PLC233887
Listed/Unlisted: This Company is unlisted in the Stock Exchanges in India
Ownership Identifier: Non-Government Public Limited Company
RoC Registration Number: 233887
Company listing Status: Active
Company Class: Public
Registrar Office (RoC): RoC-Mumbai
Incorporation Date: 30-07-2012 Age of Company: 12 Years, 4 Months and 12 Days
Company Category: Company Limited by Shares
Company Sub category: Indian non-government company
Company Business Activities: Real Estate and Renting
Authorised Capital (INR): ₹ 2500000 Approximately: $ 29461 , € 27976 , £ 23056 , 元 213461
Paid Up Capital (INR): ₹ 2500000 Approximately: $ 29461 , € 27976 , £ 23056 , 元 213461
Date of Last Annual General Meeting: 31-03-2016
Complete details: JAI VINAYAK BUILDCORP LIMITED is a Public incorporated on 30 July 2012. It is classified as Company Limited by Shares and is registered at Registrar of Companies, RoC-Mumbai. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 2500000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 2500000. It is inolved in Real Estate and Renting service activities. JAI VINAYAK BUILDCORP LIMITED's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 31 March 2016 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), JAI VINAYAK BUILDCORP LIMITED's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U70102MH2012PLC233887 and its registration number is 233887. Its Email address is neelam_091@rediffmail.com and its registered address is Vishal Complex, Plot No 1, Pragati Colony Opposite Sai Mandir, wardha Road, Nagpur Nagpur MH IN 440015. Current status of JAI VINAYAK BUILDCORP LIMITED is - Active.
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