Swosti Travels & Exports Pvt.Ltd, 103, Janpath Rd, Master Canteen Area, Kharabela Nagar,Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751001

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Swosti Travels & Exports Pvt.Ltd

Company Name: Swosti Travels & Exports Pvt.Ltd
State: Odisha
PIN code: 751001
Address: 103, Janpath Rd, Master Canteen Area, Kharabela Nagar,Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751001
Phone: unknown
Fax: unknown
Email: tours.int@swosti.com
Web site: unknown
National Industrial Classification (NIC): 60102 Industry Division: Programming and broadcasting activities, Business Group: Radio broadcasting, Subcategory: Freight railway transport
Corporate Identification Number (CIN): 3456
Ownership Identifier: Others
RoC Registration Number: 3456
Registrar Office (RoC): Unknown
Company Category: Others
Company Sub category: Others
Company Business Activities: Others
Complete details: Swosti Travels & Exports Pvt.Ltd It is classified as Others and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Unknown. It is inolved in Others service activities. Swosti Travels & Exports Pvt.Ltd's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) 3456 and its registration number is 3456. Its Email address is tours.int@swosti.com and its registered address is 103, Janpath Rd, Master Canteen Area, Kharabela Nagar,Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751001.
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